What are TMJ disorders?

TMJ disorders are characterized by pain and discomfort in the jaw joint, which can range from mild to severe and may be either acute or chronic. The pain often extends to the muscles controlling jaw movement, leading to difficulties in essential activities like chewing, talking, and yawning. 

The impact of TMJ disorders goes beyond the jaw, often causing headaches, earaches, and even neck pain. The causes of TMJ disorder include jaw injuries, arthritis, habitual teeth grinding or clenching, and stress. This complexity makes TMJ disorders challenging to diagnose and treat. Fortunately, Dr. Khalaf is an expert in diagnosing and managing different TMJ disorders, which will help improve your quality of life.

Benefits of Treatment

  • Pain Relief
  • Improved Jaw Function
  • Enhances Quality of Life

TMJ Disorder Related Symptoms

Facial Pain and Discomfort

  • Jaw discomfort or soreness (most often in the morning after waking up or late afternoon)
  • Pain spreading behind the eyes, in the face, head, neck

Jaw Movement Issues

  • Jaw popping or clicking
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing, eating or jaw functions
  • Locking of the jaw joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth

Headaches and Neck Pain

  • Chronic headaches, especially around the temples
  • Neck pain or stiffness

Dental-related Symptoms

  • Unexplained toothaches without dental issues
  • Changes in how the upper and lower teeth fit together

Dental-related Symptoms

  • Feeling tooth pain even though your dentist says your teeth are healthy
  • Changes in how the upper and lower teeth fit together

Headaches and Neck Pain

  • Chronic headaches, especially around the temples
  • Neck pain or stiffness

Jaw Movement Issues

  • Jaw popping or clicking
  • Difficulty chewing or pain while chewing, eating or jaw functions
  • Locking of the jaw joint, making it difficult to open or close your mouth

Facial Pain and Discomfort

  • Jaw discomfort or soreness (most often in the morning after waking up or late afternoon)
  • Pain spreading behind the eyes, in the face, head, neck

Our Approach to Treatment

There’s no cookie-cutter approach to TMJ disorders. That’s why we offer various treatment options for your unique needs.

Diagnostics & Consultation Services

Our comprehensive diagnostic and consultation services mark the initial phase of your path to relief. Dr. Khalaf employs a highly specialized approach, coupled with years of extensive experience, ensuring diagnosis and tailored treatment plans for TMJ disorders.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy involves custom-designed devices to alleviate strain on the TMJ. These appliances can reduce symptoms like pain and discomfort, improving jaw function and your quality of life.

Trigger Point Injections

Dr. Khalaf uses precise techniques with trigger point injections to relieve pain in targeted muscle groups. This promotes relief for TMJ-related muscle tension and discomfort.


Botox injections are an effective, minimally-invasive treatment for TMJ disorders, offering relief from jaw tension, headaches, and facial pain associated with TMJ.


Frequently asked questions
What causes TMJ disorders?
How quickly will treatment be effective?
Can children experience TMJ disorders?
Can Botox be offered for TMJ disorders?
Are headaches caused by TMJ?
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